Thursday 20 August 2015

R-E-M-E-M-B-E-R-A-N-C-E---------Dr Stella Ameyo Adadevoh


Image result for dr stella ameyo adadevoh----Dr Stella Ameyo Adadevoh gave her life to save Nigeria. Her singular effort to physically stop the Liberian who brought the Ebola disease into Nigeria was why it did not spreed to Lagos.If Ebola had entered the city of Lagos, there is no way it will not kill over 50,000 people as projected by World Health Organisation (WHO)
Image result for dr stella ameyo adadevoh

What Did We Do to Deserve This - By Femi Fani-Kayode (Must Read)

Posted by Odinaka on Tue 11th Aug, 2015 -

Femi Fani-Kayode writes an interesting piece on the plight of the blackman and makes a case for reparation to Africa.
An interesting article written by former Minister of Aviation, Culture and Tourism, and spokesman to ex President Goodluck Jonathan's Campaign Organization, Femi Fani-Kayode, read below and share your thoughts;
Sometimes last year, I watched the Hollywood blockbuster titled ”12 Years A Slave” starring Brad Pitt and the Nigerian-born actor Chiwetel Ejiofor.  After watching the film I was at a loss for words. It was a masterpiece. It was a powerful rendition of a true and heroic story.

After watching the film I could not help asking myself the following question: what did the black man ever do to deserve such wickedness and suffering? What did our forefathers do to deserve such barbarity and mindless torture in the hands of those that held them captive in a distant land?

May God forgive those that brutalised and enslaved us. I cannot hate them. I can only love and forgive them because only love and forgiveness can drive out hate and heal the wounds that they inflicted on the souls of our people.

What they did to us was far greater, far more damaging and far more devastating than the Germans ever did to the Jews. Though we are compelled to forgive by scripture, we must never forget.

And never must such a thing be allowed to happen again. No minority, whether he or she be black, brown, yellow, red, white or in any other way ”different” should be allowed to suffer like that or to feel the pain of humiliation, indignity, servitude, persecution and the denial of the most basic and fundamental rights because we are all God’s children.

It is incumbent on us all to stand up for the weak, the vulnerable, the deprived, the despised, the enslaved, the voiceless, the ”different” and the persecuted wherever and whoever they are because to love others as we love ourselves is God’s primary law.

They must never be allowed to walk alone because it was that spirit of standing up for others and fighting for the weak and helpless and the display of such love and selflessness that eventually freed the so-called ”slave” from his hideous captivity in the film titled ”12 Years A Slave”.

It was the goodness, love, kindness courage and inherent power of those who refused to remain silent and who were ready to take a risk and stand up for truth and justice that caused the man to regain his freedom and to be returned to his family in Washington after being enslaved for twelve long years. What a man. What a film. What a great and powerful rendition of truth and what a testimony of man’s inhumanity to man.

What compelling evidence and confirmation of the eternal truth that tells us that no matter how dark the night may be, ”joy comes in the morning”. What an affirmation of the undeniable fact that ultimately good always triumphs over evil. What a magnificent example of God’s power, grace, manifold blessings and great mercy.

I urge as many as possible to find the time to watch ”12 Years A Slave”. You will never be the same again.   Having watched this film I believe that the case for reparations for the slave trade must continue to be made. If the world can give the State of Israel back to the Jews as compensation for persecuting them for thousands of years and killing 6 million of them during the Second World war alone why can’t that same world pay reparations to the African for enslaving him for thousands of years and for killing at least 30 million of our people over the ages.

Why can’t the western powers be made to pay reparations to Africa for what they subjected our people  to even after the institution of slavery and the slave trade was formally abolished and particularly during the colonial era?

As a glaring example of the sheer cruelty of the Europeans during that period, King Leopold 11, who ruled Belgium from 1865 to 1909, actually owned the Congo and all that was in it as part of his personal estate.

By virtue of his supposedly blue blood, one man owned millions of Africans and all their land and chattels even though he resided thousands of miles away in a distant Europe.

Such was this man’s inate brutality and monstrous power that he orchestrated and directed the slaughter of no less than 15 million Congolese Africans whilst he ruled from Brussels. This was so even though he never set his foot in Africa throughout his long reign.

Yet the world sat by silently and did nothing. As a matter of fact many of his fellow Europeans actually applauded his actions and described him as a good example and indeed the epitomy of all that was noble and all that ought to be expected from the very best of European royalty. I ask again, what did the black man do to deserve this?

What about Cecil Rhodes, the Englishman man who, according to European historians, ”literally and lawfully bought” a large part of southern Africa and all that was in it and who named that new frontier after himself by calling it ”Rhodesia”? He also sent millions of Africans to their early graves. This is the same Cecil Rhodes who established the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship for Oxford University and whose money has helped, and still helps, to educate some of the western world’s most distinguished and celebrated leaders by paying for their fees at Oxford. One of those leaders was a young man by the name of Bill Clinton who took immense pride in being a Rhodes Scholar and who later became the President of the United  States of America.

Little did Clinton and all those other ‘’great’’ future leaders of the western world know that the money that was used to pay for their ‘’Rhodes scholarship’’ at Oxford was in fact blood money which had it’s origins and roots in the suffering of the tormented souls, wasted lives and barbaric slaughter of millions of dispossesed and enslaved southern Africans that were bought, sold, maimed, enslaved and butchered in the diamond mines of Cecil Rhodes’ De Beers company.

It was this pernicious state of affairs that provoked Mr. Ronald King to post the following words on his Facebook page on august 3rd 2015:

‘’Every black child in grade school is taught that Adolf Hitler killed 6 million Jews and is the worse human being that ever lived. On the other hand our children are taught that the ‘’Right Honorable’’ Cecil Rhodes, the founder of the De Beers diamond company in South Africa, who killed ten times that number of Africans is a hero and a statesman and if they study hard and do well in school they may win the Rhodes Scholarship, the oldest and most celebrated international fellowship award in the world. They don’t mention that those scholarships are paid for by the blood of their ancestors’’.

Such was the power of Rhodes’ sinister, evil, pervasive and malevolent legacy that it took over 100 years and a bitter and prolonged 15 year civil war (from 1964 to 1979) for the black Africans of that country to secure their rights, to be recognised and acknowledged as being human beings, to win the right to vote and to install democracy and majority rule.

It was only after all this was achieved, in 1979, that the name ”Rhodesia” was dropped like a hot potato and was changed to ”Zimbabwe”. I ask again, what did the black man do to deserve this?

We need not go into the sufferings of our black brothers and sisters in apartheid  South Africa at the hands of the white Boers from the day that the Dutchman, Van Riebek, arrived on the southern African coast in 1604 and saw what he graphically described as ”stinking black dogs”. We need not talk about the humiliation and enslavement of our fellow black Africans at the hands of the Arabs of the Sudan, whether it be in Darfur or Southern Sudan for over 500 years.

We need not go into the sheer barbarity and inhuman suffering that our brothers and sisters were subjected to in the sugar cane fields and the coffee and bannana plantations of the West Indies and South America for many centuries.

Everywhere we look throughout world history the story is the same: Africa and Africans have been pillaged, raped, tortured, humiliated, enslaved, butchered, wrenched from their families, scattered, bought and sold, considered as chattel and treated with the most explicit and extreme forms of brutality and violence by those who have a different skin color to us and those from outside our shores.

Yet still there have been no reparations and no formal apology.  Instead what they have given us today is the the ”second slavery” of foreign debt and humiliating servitude by every single African country to the western monetary agencies such as the IMF, the Paris Club, the Bretton Woods Institutions and the World Bank.

Those evil and opaque bodies and their paymasters and agents are today’s slave masters and they have turned successive African governments into little more than desperate pimps, shameless prostitutes and indebted and pliant little beggars.

They have squeezed the very life out of our people, destroyed the future of our respective nations and blighted our collective destinies. This is neo-colonialism in it’s most primitive and raw form. I ask again, what did the black man do to deserve this?

Yet thankfully there is still hope and God’s power still remains sure and ever present. He is ever faithful and His promises are ever sure.

Nothing drives that point home more than the fact that despite all we have suffered over the centuries in the hands of those that enslaved us and that viewed us as nothing more than worthless chattel, today it is a black man of free African descent, whose forefathers were never slaves and whose proud ancestry can be traced to modern-day Kenya on the east African coast, that is the most powerful man in the world.

That man’s name is Barack Obama, President of the United States of America. The fact that such a man with such a heritage can be President of a nation that once prided itself on slavery and that once regarded the black man as nothing more than a glorified chimpanzee is a testimony to the power of God. Yet the African is not alone in this respect.

Apart from the Jews, the Red Indians of North America, the Armenians of Asia and the Aborigines of Australia there is only one other group of people that have suffered almost as much as the African in the hands of other races in human history.

Those people are those that were once known as the ”serfs”- the slave under-class of slavic Russia. Like the African, the serfs and peasants of Russia were also treated with disdain, regarded as chattel and viewed as being sub-human by the Tsars and ruling class of the Russian Empire.

They also suffered immeasurably in their millions for thousands of years under successive Russian governments and rulers. Like the African, they were also ”owned” by their rulers and they lived or died at the pleasure of the nobility.

It is yet another irony of fate and another testimony to the awesome power of God that today the second most powerful man on the planet  is a proud, confident and strong-willed Russian whose ancestry can be traced directly to the serfs of mother Russia and who comes from equally humble origins. His name is Vladimer Putin, the President of the Russian Federation.

The world has indeed been handed over by God to the seed and lineage of those that were once oppressed and that were once treated as sub-human by others. The meek and the once despised have indeed inherited the earth. Yet that is not good enough. We have far more to do.

The case for reparations can and must still be made for Africa and Africans in particular and we must begin to make that case without fear or favour right from today. We must pick up the gauntlet and take over the baton from where others  left off. We must acknowledge the fact that if we, as men and women of color, do not do it ourselves no-one will do it for us.

May the souls of all those that suffered and perished as slaves continue to rest in peace. God bless Africa.

Riding, Licking & More: See Racy Photos of Fans Molesting Nicki Minaj's Sexy Wax Figure

More inappropriate and indecent photos of fans sexually violating the sexy wax figure of Nicki Minaj at the Madame Tussauds museum in vegas has gone viral.
Only when we thought we've seen it all, more photos of fans licking, riding and touching up the sexy Nicki Minaj's wax work inappropriately at Madame Tussauds Museum in Vegas have gone viral online.

The pretty disturbing racy photos which is being circulated on social media, sees some men mimicking sexual acts with Nicki's figure in an inappropriate and indecent way.

The management of the foremost wax museum in Vegas has since officially apologized to Nicki Minaj over the indescent acts (Read Here).
See more photos below;

We've Seen President Obama's "The Beast", But Russian President's Car is the Real Bomb! (Photos)

Checkout the Russian President's official car that will put President Obama's 'The Beast' to shame
According to reports, a rocket cannot penetrate Russian President, Vladimir Putin's official car. Details of the new limousine used to transport the President was reportedly said to be far more secure than the 'The Beast' - the nickname of the limousine used to transport U.S President Obama. (Read here).
The armoured car has a 12-centimeter-thick titanium plated roof that is so strong a T-72 tank can drive over it without causing any real damage, sources said. Its windows are made of glass that will withstand a direct hit from a rocket-propelled grenade, while its wheels automatically turn into caterpillar tracks when going over rough terrain.
Officials at the factory where the limousine was assembled were so confident in the level of safety provided by the vehicle that they placed the designers inside the car while soldiers shot rocket-propelled grenades at it — a tradition that dates back to the Stalin era.
The Kremlin official noted that the car’s occupants could survive a small nuclear attack, but only if the wind was blowing in a certain direction. He however declined to elaborate, saying reporters would be allowed to ask questions in future.
Read about "The Beast" U.S President's car: Read here.

All You Need To Know About 'The Beast' The US President's Official Car

Not much is actually known about 'The Beast' since it falls under the Secret Service's classified motor pool, but a few specifications and secrets have leaked out over the last few years.
Designed from the ground up by the Secret Service, President Barack Obama's $1.5 million "Cadillac One," aka "The Beast," is a moving fortress impenetrable by bullets and bombs. The president has 12 identical limos in rotation and, when not in use, they're parked in the basement of the Secret Service's headquarters and are under 24-hour surveillance.
According to the AutoWeek reports:
It's called "The Beast," but it might surprise you to learn that President's massive Cadillac isn't really a Cadillac. And there's not one, but a dozen, in the highly classified motor pool. The cars travel with their own mechanic, an armed federal agent who carries a vast arsenal of electronic diagnostic devices and tools.

We've come a long way since JFK's opentop Lincoln. Until only recently, the Secret Service bought the presidential limousines off the lot, then modified them with super-secret aftermarket products and systems. All that changed when George W. Bush became president. The reason? The stock presidential limos kept breaking down. All the extras the agency added to each vehicle created excess stress and weight beyond the real operational limits of the original cars. As a result, the transmissions often failed, “and the brakes would last about two trips,” said one veteran agent. “The cars were just too heavy, and they were a terror to drive, and even harder to stop.”

So the Secret Service decided to design and then build the car from the ground up. “The car may say Cadillac,” explained one agent, “but very little in that car is Cadillac.” Indeed, it is built by an R&D arm of General Motors in Detroit. But “even the Cadillac emblems on the hood and trunk are supersized. The car is really a truck that looks like a limo. And it drives like one, too.”

-- The fuel tank is armor-plated and encased in special foam to protect it from rupture in case of collision-or small-arms fire. And, perhaps not surprisingly, there's an onboard Halon fire-suppression system.

-- What's in the trunk? Extra weapons, a separate oxygen supply under the president's seat and emergency medical equipment, including bottles of the president's blood type in case the ambulance (one always travels in the motorcade) gets cut off.

-- The Beast is heavy: The armor plating (on five newer models) is so thick and the doors so heavy that it's nearly physically impossible for the president to open them from inside.

-- The interior is cut off from the outside world and sealed (in case of chemical attack). There's an encrypted satellite phone inside and a special interactive video system so the president can conduct secure video conferencing with officials in the Situation Room, embassies abroad or the Pentagon.

-- The car features military-grade armor (steel, aluminum, titanium and ceramic), surrounded by removable fiberglass sheets on the doors and fenders.

-- The Beast has special locking mechanisms, and communications and fire-suppression systems. It rides on special Kevlar-reinforced Goodyear run-flats.

-- The Secret Service has been experimenting with special night-vision cameras and monitors (the camera is mounted inside the grille) to be used in a doomsday scenario if, say, the windshield was somehow compromised or views were obstructed.

Any Secret Service agent assigned to drive the president has to take an intense weeklong defensive-driving course on a special track at the Secret Service academy in Beltsville, Md. They practice evasive maneuvers, high-speed cornering and precision driving. "It actually handles quite well, considering how much it weighs," one agent said. For additional training, the agency uses Chargers, Camaro and Mustangs.

What doesn't it have? Sorry, 007 fans, but there are no rocket launchers, grenades or built-in weapons of any kind. No escape pod or ejection seat. Oh, and here's a mythbuster: The Beast is not diesel, but a gasoline V8. "Surprisingly," said one agent, "it has pretty good 0-60 pickup."

3.7: Average miles to the gallon
12: Number of actual Beasts in service
$1.5 million: How much each Beast costs
18: How long the Beast is, in feet
8: Thickness, in inches, of the doors' armor plating
5: Thickness, in inches, of the windows–bulletproof, of course
15,000: Best guess on how much the Beast weighs, in pounds (the exact number is classified)
Here are more security details in pictures:

Busted: Man Disguises as a Woman, Works as Housemaid for 8 Months (Photo)

A man who successfully disguised himself as woman for 8 months, to work as a maid has been arrested.
A family received the shock of their lives after they realized that the supposed housemaid that lived with them, taking care of their children, including young females kids, was actually a male who disguised himself  as a woman.
The discovery was made 8 months after the househelp resumed work in the house.
According to a Twitter user with the handle, @Trebble_D, the carefully orchestrated disguise was discovered when the housemaid stole from the household and was nabbed and handed over to the police.
That was when it dawned on the family that they had actually harboured a man for close to a year, entrusting their children to him.
This should be a warning for parents who hire helps to watch over their kids while they are away.

My Answer If Flavour Asks Me Out is..., Chidimma Talks Dating VJ Adams, Kiss With Flavour & More

Posted by Odinaka on Wed 19th Aug, 2015 -

Singer, Chidimma Ekile, is the crush of many male artistes in Nigeria. But the irony is despite all the admirers, she seems not to have found the right person.
Chidinma Ekile
In a recent chat with Vanguard, sensational singer, Chidinma who is a crush to too many Nigerian celebrities, seems not to have found her Mr right, despite all her admirers especially in the entertainment industry.

On her relationship status:
Why I am still single? Maybe, because I’m yet to see the man who is made for me or the person is yet to find me. So I am single and happy. The fact is I had few friends and some wanted to take the relationship seriously, but it never worked out. Though, I have a lot of male friends around me, but there has never been anything serious. Several stars have been crushing on me, in fact, I thought I would have been crushed by now. But to be honest, am dating none of them.
Chidinma and VJ Adams
On viral news of dating VJ Adams of Soundcity:
For Adams, if I start telling you about him, we won’t leave here. He’s my good friend. We both insult each other every time. When the story came out, I was not surprised because we both are very close.
Chidinma and Flavour in a kiss scene from his video
On if she'll say yes to Flavour since they've already kissed:
For Flavour, music brought us together and nothing more and if he had asked me out the answer would have been a capital ‘NO’.

See List Of 7 Inventors Killed By Their Inventions

Posted by Odinaka on Thu 23rd Jul, 2015 -

We've compiled some of the sad but fascinating stories of seven inventors who died at the hands of their inventions. Let their stories serve as lessons for those of us who dream big.
The life of an inventor is not an easy one. First you have to come up with a good idea that solves a problem in a way that no one has thought of before, and then you need to design and engineer your idea to take it from theory to reality. The very nature of invention means that inventors are continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. This drive to discover the next Big Thing has been a boon to humanity and has given us inventions like the steam engine, the automobile and the personal computer. It's the major reason why we're still not huddled in caves fighting off wolves and cowering at the crack of thunder.

But invention is a fickle mistress and has proved to be a dangerous undertaking for many a would-be Edison. Things go wrong, inventions break or don't work as the designers intended, and sometimes inventors are killed by the very ideas they brought to life. We've compiled some of the sad but fascinating stories of seven inventors who died at the hand of their inventions. Let their stories serve as lessons for those of us who dream big.
1. Henry Smolinski

Henry Smolinski was a Northrop-trained engineer who left his job to start Advanced Vehicle Engineers, a company focused on bringing a flying car to market. In 1973, the company built its first two prototypes made by fusing the rear end of a Cessna Skymaster airplane with a Ford Pinto. The tail section was designed to be attached and detached from the car.
Smolinski was set to begin production for the retail market the next year, but on Sept. 11, 1973, he went on a test flight with pilot Harold Blake and was killed, along with Blake, when a wing strut detached from the car. The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that bad welds were responsible for the crash. (And it did involve a Pinto.)

2. Franz Reichelt

Franz Reichelt was an Austrian-born French inventor who made a living as a tailor but spent his free time working on a flying parachute suit designed to be worn by airplane pilots. Airplanes were a relatively new invention when Reichelt was working on his design, having only been flown for the first time in Kitty Hawk in 1903, and the mechanics of how a pilot would escape a damaged plane were still being worked out. Reichelt's first tests were performed using dummies and were successful enough for him to test the suit himself, which he did by jumping off the lower level of the Eiffel Tower. The 187-foot fall onto frozen ground killed him instantly.

3. Horace Lawson Hunley

Horace L. Hunley was a lawyer and a member of the Louisiana state legislature who had a thing for submarines. He helped design and build three different models for the Confederacy during the Civil War and was ultimately killed when his third design went under. His first submarine was built in New Orleans and was intentionally sunk when the city fell to the Union in 1862, and his second submarine sunk in Mobile Bay in Alabama. Hunley funded his third submarine himself, and on Oct. 15, 1863, Hunley, along with seven crewmembers, died when the sub that carried his name sank in the waters off Charleston, S.C. The Confederacy recovered the sunken sub and sent it back out with a new crew who managed to stay alive and also managed a major accomplishment: to sink a ship. It was the first ship to be taken down by a submersible vessel. However, the Hunley disappeared on this first and last successful mission, taking its third crew to the bottom of the sea.

4. Thomas Midgley Jr.

Thomas Midgley Jr. was a highly decorated chemist best known for his work with "no-knock" or leaded gasoline and the greenhouse gas Freon. He suffered from lead poisoning and once poured leaded gasoline all over his hands and sniffed from a flask of it for 60 seconds during a press conference to prove the fuel was safe. One might assume that Migley died of lead poisoning, but he was actually killed by another one of his inventions — the rope and pulley system he built to support his body while he was in bed suffering from polio. He became entangled in the ropes on Nov. 2, 1944, and suffocated.

5. Marie Curie

Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist best known for her work on radioactivity; however, she also discovered the elements polonium and radium. She was awarded two Nobel Prizes — one in physics which she won jointly with her husband and Henri Becquerel, and another in chemistry — and was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes. She is still one of only four people (along with Linus Pauling, John Bardeen and Frederick Sanger) to accomplish that feat. Curie is responsible for establishing the theory of radioactivity, but unfortunately she unwittingly also discovered the fatal effect radioactivity can have on your health; she died on July 4, 1934, of aplastic anemia caused by radiation exposure.
6. Perillos of Athens
Of all the inventors on this list, this guy may be the one who most deserved to die at the hand of his own invention. Perillos was a bronze worker who designed a device called the Brazen Bull to be used to painfully execute criminals. The Brazen Bull was a hollow bull. Prisoners were locked inside and roasted to death by a fire underneath. The device was even designed to channel the screams of the burning prisoner out of its nose to sound like a bull. Perillos pitched his invention to Phalaris, a tyrant lord of Acragas in Sicily. After Perillos showed Phalaris the bull, the inventor was put inside and a fire was lit underneath him. History isn't clear about if Perillos was pulled out before dying, only to be thrown off a cliff by Phalaris' men, or if he expired within the bull. Either way, the bull did him in.

7. Valerian Abakovsky

Valerian Abakovsky was a Russian inventor who died when his invention, the high-speed Aerowagon train engine, derailed on a test run, killing Abakovsky and five others. The Aerowagon had an airplane engine and propeller and was designed to carry Soviet officials to and from Moscow. Abakovsky's invention worked fine on the outgoing leg of the test run but crashed during its return to the capital city. Abakovsky was just 26 years old.