Wednesday 29 July 2015

After Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Death, Who Will Whitney Houston’s Fortune Go to Now?Whitney and

Whitney and Daughter Bobbi Kristiana
Mother and young Kristiana during a performance
When music legend Whitney Houston died in February 2012, she left behind a fortune that was estimated at nearly $20 million. Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, was named as the singer's sole heir.
In the wake of Bobbi Kristina's death, the question of Whitney's sizable fortune has now been thrust into the spotlight: Who will receive the money, and how much is her estate really worth?
ET spoke with Andrew Mayoras, attorney and co-author of the bookTrial & Heirs, who broke down some of the important points about the possible upcoming fight over Whitney's fortune.
"There are no other children that were born to Whitney Houston [so] the money goes back into Whitney Houston's estate under the terms of her will, and will be held for the benefit of her mother [Cissy Houston], and her two brothers [Michael Houston and Gary Garland, who is Whitney's half-brother]."
Mayoras went on to explain that it is unlikely Bobbi Kristina's father, singer Bobby Brown, will see any money from Whitney's estate.
"Bobby Brown does not inherit anything from Whitney Houston's will," Mayoras said, adding that he may receive money Bobbi Kristina inherited from her mother if Bobbi Kristina didn't have a will written up specifying otherwise.
It's unclear how much Bobbi Kristina received from her mother's will before her death, or how much remained of what she did receive. However, it's been estimated that the figure could be around $2 million.
Mayoras added that Bobbi Kristina's long-time boyfriend Nick Gordon would likely only receive money from Bobbi Kristina's estate if he was named in her will.
"If Bobbi Kristina did make out a will, or name Nick Gordon as a joint owner on any of her bank accounts, then Nick Gordon would stand to receive money according to Bobbi Kristina's estate plan," Mayoras said, adding, "The big question there, of course, is how many 21 year olds take the time to make out a will or other estate planning documents? Most of them don't. So there's a really good chance there are no estate planning documents for Bobbi Kristina."
Gordon is currently facing a civil lawsuit filed by Bobbi Kristina's conservator, Bedelia Hargrove, alleging that he physically abused the late Bobbi Kristina, and stole thousands of dollars from her.
However, no criminal charges have been filed and the 25-year-old Gordon has reportedly assembled his own legal team -- which includes famed attorney Jose Baez, who successfully defended Casey Anthony against first-degree murder charges in 2011.
Mayoras also explained that the actual figures of Whitney's vast estate may not be known -- as matters are complicated due to possible debts Houston may have incurred before her death, along with posthumous earnings her estate may have earned from the sale of her music.
Bobbi Kristina's estate is equally unclear, as it has never been officially established how much she received from her mother, and how much of her inheritance was used to pay for her extensive medical bills which accrued during her six months of intensive medical treatment while she was in a coma.
Bobbi Kristina will be laid to rest alongside her mother at Fairview Cemetery in Westfield, New Jersey on Monday.

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