Thursday 9 July 2015

Jimmy Carter Says Jesus Would Approve Of Gay Marriage

Faith is important to former President Jimmy Carter, and he writes about it extensively in his new memoir A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety. But his religious beliefs don't keep him from supporting every American's right to marry the person they love.

HuffPost Live's Marc Lamont Hill asked Carter on Tuesday whether he believes Jesus would approve of gay marriage, and Carter said he does.
"I believe Jesus would. I don't have any verse in scripture. ... I believe Jesus would approve gay marriage, but that's just my own personal belief. I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else, and I don't see that gay marriage damages anyone else," he said.
Some reactions from Yahoo page:
As long a President Carter sticks to following the love-your-neighbor-as-yourself principle, he is doing a far better job of representing Jesus Christ (and God as revealed to us by Jesus Christ) than many of our nation's so-called "Right Wing Christian" preachers.

Rosalie Sweeton ·  Top Commenter · Elgin, Illinois
Our God is not a God of "do anything you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone". It hurts the sinner himself/herself.

William Burton ·  ·  Top Commenter · Works at Casheer
Carter is spot on! Here's why: "Love does no harm to a neighbor, thus love is the fulfillment of the law." - Romans 13:10 Nothing about marriage equality or homosexuality does harm to a neighbor. End debate...
  • William Burton ·  ·  Top Commenter · Works at Casheer
    Robie Cummings "They" didn't cause you harm. That's your bigotry harming yourself. You really should try to let those things go. Love kills the demon.
  • Deb Franchois ·  Top Commenter · Athens State University
    your homophobic bigotry causes me harm
  • Shereen LeCron ·  Top Commenter
    I noticed you quoted Romans 13:10. Back up a bit and read Romans chapter 1.
    Sharon Reynolds ·  Top Commenter · Hall High School
    He needs to read Romans 1:18-32 . Homosexuality is sexual impurity for those who don't understand the Bible. Jesus is the Son of God and what God states as sin in the Bible, Jesus also looks upon it as sin. So, Mr. Carter, you need to go back and read your Bible again and ask the Lord to reveal truth to you unto salvation.
    Mike Seven ·  Top Commenter · University of Central Missouri
    I respect pres carter for being a good person. but I believe hes stretching things by acting as the spokesperson for god.

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