Thursday 9 July 2015

The Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision on Ten Commandments outside state house

Satanists and Democrats have finally found common ground on a rival statue to the Ten Commandments, but Republicans continue to obstruct the process.

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- The Oklahoma Supreme Court's decision to order a Ten Commandments monument removed from the State Capitol grounds has so angered conservatives in the Legislature that some Republicans are calling for justices to be impeached. Others want to amend the Bill of Rights in the 108-year-old state constitution.
The outcry immediately followed the court's decision Tuesday that the monument violates the Oklahoma constitution's ban on using public property to benefit a religion.
Some state legislators want a public vote on whether to repeal that ban from the constitution, but state Rep. Kevin Clavey is calling for justices to be impeached.
The president of the Oklahoma Bar Association, David Poarch, says calling for impeachment when a ruling doesn't go in your favor is a dangerous precedent.
Copyright 2015 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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